Biz Watermark is the only app which allow to add watermark multiple images in signal process, your photos will be watermarked before sharing on social media sites & Messengers like WhatsApp, Hangout etc in fraction of seconds. Biz Watermark will put your proprietary Text/Sharing Code and even your logo on desired images & allow you to share it on social network in one touch.
Only three simple quick steps need to be performed:
1. Select upto 10 Images.
2. Add Watermark Text/Sharing Code (Application will add Watermark to all selected images at once).
3. Share on Social media Sites & Messengers like WhatsApp, Hangout etc.
Once you add text and would like to change images, don’t worry Biz Watermark will automatically add same watermark text to new selected images. You can also change the Watermark text for new images.
Business persons and employees are working hard to get things done but in some industries they required to mark images with company text or code on the fly to serve clients, Thus we are hear with one simple and short process application which will make their work easy.
For any bugs or suggestions please e-mail on
BSP Technologies is dedicated to business app development and we are trying to give robust, quick and user-friendly solutions to our clients.
Biz Watermark adalah satu-satunya aplikasi yang memungkinkan untuk menambahkan watermark beberapa gambar dalam proses sinyal, foto Anda akan watermark sebelum berbagi di situs media sosial & amp; Utusan seperti WhatsApp, Hangout dll dalam fraksi detik. Biz Watermark akan menempatkan teks milik Anda / Sharing Kode dan bahkan logo Anda gambar & amp diinginkan; memungkinkan Anda untuk berbagi pada jaringan sosial dalam satu sentuhan.
Hanya tiga langkah cepat sederhana perlu dilakukan:
& nbsp; & nbsp; 1. & nbsp; Pilih upto 10 Images.
& nbsp; & nbsp; 2. & nbsp;. Add Watermark Teks / Kode Sharing (Aplikasi akan menambahkan Watermark untuk semua gambar yang dipilih sekaligus)
& nbsp; & nbsp; 3. & nbsp; Bagikan di Sosial Media Situs & amp; Utusan seperti WhatsApp, Hangout dll.
Setelah Anda menambahkan teks dan ingin mengubah gambar, don & rsquo; t khawatir Biz Watermark otomatis akan menambahkan watermark teks yang sama untuk gambar yang dipilih baru & nbsp;.. Anda juga dapat mengubah teks Watermark untuk gambar baru
orang Bisnis dan karyawan bekerja keras untuk mendapatkan sesuatu dilakukan tetapi di beberapa industri mereka diperlukan untuk menandai gambar dengan teks perusahaan atau kode pada terbang untuk melayani klien, demikian kita mendengar dengan satu sederhana dan aplikasi proses singkat yang akan membuat mereka pekerjaan mudah.
Untuk setiap bug atau saran silahkan e-mail pada
BSP Teknologi didedikasikan untuk pengembangan aplikasi bisnis dan kami mencoba untuk memberikan solusi yang kuat, cepat dan user-friendly untuk klien kami.
Biz Watermark is the only app which allow to add watermark multiple images in signal process, your photos will be watermarked before sharing on social media sites & Messengers like WhatsApp, Hangout etc in fraction of seconds. Biz Watermark will put your proprietary Text/Sharing Code and even your logo on desired images & allow you to share it on social network in one touch.
Only three simple quick steps need to be performed:
1. Select upto 10 Images.
2. Add Watermark Text/Sharing Code (Application will add Watermark to all selected images at once).
3. Share on Social media Sites & Messengers like WhatsApp, Hangout etc.
Once you add text and would like to change images, don’t worry Biz Watermark will automatically add same watermark text to new selected images. You can also change the Watermark text for new images.
Business persons and employees are working hard to get things done but in some industries they required to mark images with company text or code on the fly to serve clients, Thus we are hear with one simple and short process application which will make their work easy.
For any bugs or suggestions please e-mail on
BSP Technologies is dedicated to business app development and we are trying to give robust, quick and user-friendly solutions to our clients.